Core Energy™ Coaching
Core Energy™ Coaching is an approach for enabling change in a coachee’s mindset or worldview by shifting beliefs, attitudes or assumptions to address recurring
behaviors, emotional patterns and feelings, with the aim to provoke a significant shift between levels of functioning.
Physicists often define Energy as the potential for action.
Everything you do requires Energy and has an energetic charge. This model, starting from the scientific evidences of Neuroscience and Molecular Biology, helps people release their Energy, working on their inner Thoughts and Emotions, in order to provide them the Consciousness and Resilience they need to create an Intentional Impact inside the organization.
Core Energy™ Coaching positively influences and supports constructive change in individual perspectives, emotional reactions, and behavior patterns of leaders, workers, and whole organizations. It is based on the two-fold understanding that humans are, at the core, energetic beings and that the quality and amount of core energy a person experiences on a daily basis will determine his or her overall potential to pursue goals and experience fulfillment.
In the business world, when leaders learn to harness their core energy productively and train their employees to do the same, people and companies change for the better.
Corporations need their people to act – not to react – to any stressful situation with a conscious and empowered confidence.

A Conscious Leader has a strong commitment to becoming aware of problems and develop strategies that consider all stakeholders. (…) Conscious Leaders align themselves with a deeper sense of culture building.*

To recharge themselves, individuals need to recognize the costs of energy-depleting behaviors and then take responsibility for changing them, regardless of the circumstances they’re facing.**

Core Energy™ Coaching is backed by more than 20 years of experience, scientific studies and case histories in Organizations in the United States and all over the world.
Energy Leadership Index Assessment
ELI is one of the most valuable attitudinal assessments (not a personality-based one) for leaders.
It provides insights into how an executive shows up at work and in personal life and how he/she reacts to stress, measuring the potential ability to lead people and take positive, productive and sustainable actions.
Once leaders are aware of how they act (or react) as well as other options they could consciously choose, they can begin to build intentional new behaviors useful to their purpose, while being accompanied by a professional coach.
Forbes Magazine considers ELI as one of the top 3 assessments every executive should take.

A Sustainable Change:
Core Energy™ Coaching vs. Other Approaches
Most coaching methodologies – also called “transactional coaching” – are action-oriented.
They are focused on Productivity: identifying goals, creating a series of steps to achieve them, and then providing accountability to keep the client moving forward.
This approach can be effective in the short run if the client’s enthusiasm and energy are running high. Since it is highly dependent on external motivation, the ability of this methodology to sustain the outcome and repeat the process usually deteriorates over time with the ebb and flow of external motivations..
In many cases the “problem” is not really the problem—it’s just a symptom of the internal beliefs that the client unconsciously follows.

On the other hand, Core Energy™ Coaching works on people’s Engagement and Intrinsic Motivation.
It starts the process from the “inside,” where we find the roots of most challenges and blocks to success, including limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts and outdated beliefs unconsciously picked up from family, society, and the media.
Core Energy™ Coaches are trained to uncover these inner blind spots, gently bring awareness to the client, and shift these inner blocks to cultivate new perspectives and helpful beliefs that support the client’s success from a deep and sustainable level.
Once they are consciously able to release and intentionally use their energy, they can establish and achieve new goals, raise their level of consciousness and open up to new possibilities that were previously hidden from sight.